Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Merry Christmas to us!!

We had a wonderful Christmas, cozy at home as a new little family and the day seemed to flash by too quickly. I remember always feeling like Christmas Day was so long, and we used to have time to even go to the movies, but this year we blinked and it was over. We had a wonderful day and although we missed being with family, we still enjoyed a quiet day in our own home. We hope your day was as magical as ours was!!

David was excited to wake up a find a 1986 Yamaha Enduro dirtbike outside. He even rode it in his pajamas - and as you can see, his Christmas pajamas this year was a pair of tight thermal underwear so that says a lot!

David knew it has been hard for me to paint since having Coleman with all my supplies in the basement, so for Christmas his gift to me was a complete solution. He bought be a locking (to keep curious Coleman out of my paint) painting cart that I can roll away when I'm not using it and he BUILT me an easel that he mounted to the wall in our kitchen so I can still have good painting light, be upstairs with Coleman, and still be able to paint. He also had a custom glass palette made to fit the top of the cart. He is so thoughtful!! I LOVE that I now have an easel in my kitchen, don't judge us, just embrace it. :)

Coleman was more interested in the wrapping paper and how he could get it in to his mouth than he was the gift inside, but maybe that's because we mostly got him clothes because when he opened the toys my mom got for him, he actually reached for the toy and started playing with it instead of the paper. Good to know. He was VERY interested in the tree though - he loved the red ornaments and the lights. His gift to us this Christmas was crawling for the first time...more on that later. :)

1 comment:

Matt and Mel Odell said...

Why has no one commented on this yet, it is so cute that he made that for you! I love those thoughtful gifts and I love what you got him. I wish I had your painting talent, I think your talent is so romantic.