Sunday, October 17, 2010

Time for bed...

We are trying to get Coleman on more of a schedule and establishing a few routines that he can rely on because all the experts say it's the best. So, at night we feed him, give him a bath, read him a story, have family prayer and then it's off to bed and he puts himself to sleep. Although he struggled a little at first with getting used to this, he now loves it. All of it. And he especially loves story time and bath time and then he puts himself to sleep, sometimes without making a peep, within just a few minutes!

He LOVES and I mean LOVES bath time! He splashes and laughs and talks and screams happy screams the whole time!

Although at first he would cry and be fussy during story time, it quickly became something he loves and looks forward to! We even read to him during the day when he's fussy and he'll calm right down.

I will forever declare to every new mom that rocking babies to sleep is more for the parents than for the child and that if you can let them learn to go to sleep on their own, they will go to sleep easier and stay asleep longer...and don't wait until they're old enough to sit, crawl or walk because they'll just stand up and scream instead of go to bed if you haven't established it yet. We just learned that from some friends who are now trying to get away from nursing to sleep with a 15 month old. Yikes!


Lucy said...

He looks so much like you Britt!

Myra said...

Thanks for sharing.. he's sooo big... smiley.