David decided to grow a little scruff one day and once he had it, I wouldn't let him shave! I LOVE it when he has a short (very short :)) and clean looking beard because he has a baby face and looks so much older, handsome, charming, debonair, and let's face it...sexy! He got past the itchy stage and has now had a beard longer than any other time in his entire life.
I think we're going on 3 weeks now or so.
I think we're going on 3 weeks now or so.
Here's a side by side comparison of his naked face with his scruffy face,
what do you think??
Beard or no beard??
Beard or no beard??
I was going to say on your family portraits how much I liked his beard, but I thought that would be weird...hahah but now that you ask....I like the beard.
I love a baby face. That's just me though. I'm impressed with your use of the word debonair.
Beard!!!!!!!!! But you know me, I'm a sucker for a good one! Pieter has had one for 3 months now! YES!
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