Sunday, June 27, 2010

40 Weeks and Counting...

Saturday was my due date. Since Coleman decided he was too comfy to come out, this is what we did instead... Good thing I got a pedicure for the big day.

First we went swimming at veterans memorial pool. It was the best $4 we spent all week. Afterward we had our ward slip and slide activity and David really made a splash on the 100 foot slip and slide, not to mention the mud puddle at the bottom. Too bad the big hills didn't throw me into labor. There's always tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Blessings will always come

As I was reading the Nie Nie dialogues today, Stephanie Nielsen gave a quote that caught my eye, so I thought I'd share it on my blog:

"Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come."
-Jeffrey R. Holland

I hope you soon receive the blessings you've been hoping for.

Talk found here.

Lucy inspired me!

After catching up on my friend, Lucy's blog, I was inspired by her post about making a summer list and I decided I just had to make one myself!

I want to finish the two baby books I've been reading
I want to hug David more
I want to cook dinner at least 5 times a week
I want to pull out my paints and create a masterpiece
I want to go to Disneyland
I want to go swimming
I want to fly kites
I want to bake something delicious every week
I want to book a flight and take a trip somewhere
I want to play catch in our front yard
I want to sit outside and enjoy the summer nights on our swing as David barbeques a result...
I hope I'll want to WANT to go running
I want to continue doing art

This summer we are moving from being a couple to becoming a family and I want to make it something special that we will never forget. Just like the first summer we were married - so many memories.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

California Dreamin'

What a trip! From wake-boarding to surfing, David got a chance to get out all of his energy and I on the other hand got to be the center of attention again with another baby shower fit for a queen. Mom, Chair and Mel - thanks for all of your creativity, craft and personal touch that made this shower so amazing! I had a blast seeing so many friends and family and appreciate all the love and support we've gotten from you all. Coleman is going to be spoiled for sure! And how can I not post a photo from my photo shoot with Corban in Huntington - what a ham!

Okay, I'm ready...Coleman can come!

Here I am at almost 39 weeks pregnant - we only have 9 days left to go to my due date, but who knows...Coleman could come earlier than that or later. Let's hope for earlier and expect later. That way I'll be pleasantly surprised either way. :) Bags are packed and in the car, the car seat is installed, and the nursery is ready for him, so he can finally come! Friday will be my last day of work and then I guess I'll just relax, think of some projects to make, read up about babies, and clean the house over and over until he arrives. I bet you wish you could join me...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Best Graduation Gift Ever Given

Our brother-in-law Justin graduated the same time I did this summer, and for graduation we got him a one-of-a-kind signed photograph of Barak Obama. I thought I did a decent job, considering I had little to work from, and not much time to pull it off. I even had Brittany, who is left handed, just like the President is, sign a little note and copy his signature. Justin loved it.

David got a job

Summer vacation is just not the same when you're 25 as it was when you were 15. That is why I am excited to announce that I have finally found a job here in Provo. It has been a long and arduous search but it is finally over. I will begin working as a Research Associate at KLAS enterprises (the same company that Brittany works at). After 3 month's of working, I will be eligible for full benefits (a huge sigh of relief).

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Amazing Weekend

More pictures to come, but we just got back from an amazing trip to California where we were somehow able to miss all the crowds and traffic. We went boating, went to the beach, spent time with family, and even had the blessing of my mom and two sisters throwing us an awesome baby shower! We have been so blessed by family and friends who are just as excited as we are to have Coleman join our family.

Our bedding has arrived and it is SO CUTE!

After six long weeks of waiting for our bedding to arrive, it is finally here and our baby room is beginning to look more and more like a baby sleeps in there. We've washed all six loads of laundry with everything from sheets and mattress covers to blankets to clothes and now we are pretty close to being ready for Coleman Joel to arrive. As I was throwing his clothes in the dryer, I grabbed one of his teeny tiny socks and it totally reminded me of Monster's Inc! I can't believe we're going to have a little baby around here so soon! Just a few more finishing touches, like the curtains I still haven't made. :) Those may just have to wait until a month or so after he's born, but we'll see.

It is finished...

Here's another post I keep forgetting to do, but I finally finished the family portrait I was working on and they took it home in April. What a fun and challenging painting to do, but it's also nice to be done and working on new things. Thanks for putting me up to the task Jon & Andrea!

Belly update from 35 weeks pregnant...

...even though I am now less than 37 weeks. Sorry for the delay! Maybe take an updated picture next weekend...

The COOLEST kid on the block!

David is such a trooper. Yesterday we went marathon shopping from 12 pm to 8:30 pm for all the rest of our baby stuff and he hung in there all day long. He said the most exciting purchase of the day was the airplane he got at Michael's and before we could even have dinner he set up a camping chair for me and he flew his new plane. It wasn't 5 minutes before all the neighborhood kids were coming over asking to fly the plane and David became the coolest kid on the block!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Canyonlands Camping... 9 Months Pregnant!

Camping, 9 months pregnant...and worth every minute as you can see from the sweet photos.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Sun Glasses... Finally

The other day Brittany tricked me into buying some sun glasses for myself. She has been trying to get me to purchase some new shades, but I continuously refuse to spend the money required to get a legit pair. So last week she tells me we need to go diaper bag shopping at the mall and we end up in front of the Oakley case at an eye wear shop. So here's to a new pair of sunglasses. I love ya babe.